
Surround® WP Crop Protectant, Insecticide, Pfl.Reg. Nr.: 4200-0

Natural protection for a sustainable yield and healthy harvest.

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Now new: Emergency approval (according to Art. 53 in Austria) against Drosophila suzukii in vines and elderberries

Surround® WP Crop Protectant, Insecticide, Pfl.Reg. Nr.: 4200-0

Natural crop protection with increased yield without chemical contamination. Surround® WP Crop Protectant is a natural plant protection product. It protects pear crops from the pest "common pear leaf sucker" (Cacopsylla pyri) and in vines and elderberries from Drosophila suzukii by means of emergency approval.
The product, consisting primarily of the natural mineral kaolin, creates a physical barrier and thus has a repellent effect on the pest. The application of Surround® WP Crop Protectant creates a repellent effect that irritates and deters insects. The build-up of coating creates an obstacle to feeding and egg laying, thereby reducing pest populations.

protects against pests

without resistance formation

creates barrier layer

and thus deliberately disrupts the behavior of insects

fine and homogeneous kaolin

ensures reliable coating formation

for organic farming


The physical barrier has a repellent effect on pests, as the insects and their sensory organs are impaired. There is no resistance to Surround® WP Crop Protectant as the product is not toxic but has a purely physical effect.

Surround® WP Crop Protectant is an effective solution against the pear leaf sucker and Drosophila suzukii, is approved for organic farming and is free from any synthetic residues.

Effective action against common pear leaf sucker provides additional protection against black fungi

The use of Surround® WP Crop Protectant reduces or completely prevents infestation by the common pear borer in pear crops. This also prevents the formation of black fungi (sooty molds), which usually occur as a result of infestation by the common pear leaf sucker.

This effectively counteracts the negative effects of black fungi, such as impaired photosynthesis, reduced quality and yield or more difficult harvesting and care processes.

Surround® WP Crop Protectant works effectively, strengthens the health of pear crops and thus ensures the highest quality and best yields.

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The correct use of Surround®

WP Crop Protectant in pear culture

Surround® WP Crop Protectant is widely used in agriculture, especially in fruit growing, for efficient control of the common pear leafhopper (Cacopsylla pyri). The spray application starts at BBCH 51 (bud break) or when the overwintering females appear and should be carried out until BBCH 69 (end of flowering). Treatment should be carried out at seven-day intervals, with no more than five applications per crop and vegetation period being recommended for optimum effectiveness. Effectiveness is maximized by applying to dry foliage. A complete treatment of the trees is necessary for the continuous formation of the protective coating.

Application rates in pear crops against the common pear leaf sucker

1st application:

15 kg with a water quantity of 200-900 l per 10,000 m2 of treated leaf wall area

2nd-5th application:

10 kg per application with a water quantity of 200-900 l per 10,000 m2 of treated leaf wall area

The common pear leaf sucker leads to considerable yield losses and harvest losses in pear crops - Surround® WP Crop Protectant is an effective and natural solution for vital plants.

Application rates in vines & elderberries against Drosophila suzukii

Emergency approval according to Art. 53, valid until 28.10.2024 in Austria

1st application:

30 kg / ha with a water quantity of 1000 litres / ha

2nd-3rd application:

20 kg / ha with a water quantity of 1000 litres / ha

Time of application in wine: stage 85 (softening of the berries) to stage 89 (full ripeness of the berries - harvest maturity)

Time of application in elderberry: stage 85 (advanced fruit ripeness: base berries of the first grapes colour typical of the variety) to stage 89 (shake ripeness: the base berries tend to fall off)


The application of the plant protection product in question The plant protection product in question may only be used if the hazard actually occurs within the meaning of Art. 53 Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009.

Possible damage to the crop is the responsibility of the user. Before using the product, the plant compatibility and effectiveness under the farm-specific conditions must therefore be tested.

Packaging size

Paper bag: 12.5 kg


available from specialist retailers in Austria

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Use insecticide with care. Always read the label and product information before use.

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