
Insecticide, Reg. No.: 4487-0

Naturally effective against pests on potatoes and tomatoes

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Natural plant protection for effective control of relevant insect pests. Aza is a highly effective natural plant protection product. Thanks to its versatile modes of action, it is used effectively against harmful insects such as the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, whiteflies and thrips, thus contributing to a healthy, high-yielding and sustainable harvest.

safe harvest

through effective and natural control of relevant insect pests

effective against Colorado potato beetles

and effective against aphids, whiteflies and thrips on tomatoes

protects beneficial insects

and is not harmful to bees

made from renewable raw materials

directly from nature

for organic farming


How Lithos Aza works naturally against the Colorado potato beetle

In the video, Victoria and Raphael talk first-hand about the natural effect of Aza:

In potato and tomato cultivation, Aza proves its strengths by effectively preventing an increase in pest populations when applied at the right time. It is most effective when the pests are at a young stage of development, allowing farmers to benefit from a healthy, high-yield harvest. Preventive application minimizes pests, increases yield and reduces the use of chemical inputs, leading to more sustainable farming.

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In addition, Aza is particularly suitable for organic farms and is an important component of integrated pest management. The certification for use on organic farms and the production from sustainable materials underline our passion for environmentally friendly pest control that takes into account both the needs of modern agriculture and environmental protection.

The correct use of Aza

In potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle

From the start of infestation or when the first symptoms/damaging organisms become visible BBCH 12-91, maximum one application, application rate is 2.5 l/ha to a water quantity of 500 - 1000 l/ha. 

in tomatoes against aphids 

From the start of infestation or when the first symptoms/damaging organisms become visible BBCH 12-85, maximum two applications at intervals of 7 days. Application rate is 3 l/ha to a water volume of 750 - 1000 l/ha

in tomatoes against whiteflies and thrips

From the start of infestation or when the first symptoms/damaging organisms become visible BBCH 12-85, maximum two applications at intervals of 7 days. Application rate is 3 l/ha to a water volume of 700 - 1500 l/ha

Colorado potato beetles, aphids, whiteflies and thrips lead to considerable yield losses and crop losses in potato cultivation and also in tomatoes - Aza is an effective and natural solution against these economically relevant pests.

Packaging size

Bottle: 1 l 

Canister: 5 l


available from specialist retailers in Austria

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Use plant protection products (insecticide) with care. Always read the label and product information before use.

We are happy to advise you!

Our products are available from specialist retailers in Austria. During our product consultation, we will be happy to answer your individual questions and applications and provide you with the best possible advice - arrange your consultation now!
