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Effective and natural action for proactive strengthening against fungal diseases


FungiKit® EXTEND is a natural and highly effective highly effective product based on pure fungal chitosan. With its dual mechanism of action, it strengthens the plant's own defenses and inhibits the growth of fungal structures at the same time through direct contact action of fungal structures.

Facts & Advantages of FungiKit EXTEND

Reduces damage caused by fungal infestation

Protects against diseases such as late blight

Highly effective protection solution

  Effective protection through dual mechanism of action

Activates plant defenses

Strengthens protection against fungal infestation

Curative effect

Hilft bei akutem Pilzbefall.

Immediate effectiveness  

Protects from the first application

Supports copper and fungicide reduction

Reduces the use of copper and synthetic fungicides

Effective and natural action for proactive strengthening against fungal diseases.

FungiKit® EXTEND offers a sustainable solution to Solution to reduce damage caused by acute fungal infestation and promotes Plant health for maximum yields and quality. With the high and highly available content of the active ingredient, plants are quickly and reliably supported, activate their natural defense mechanisms and thus achieve higher Resistance to fungal diseases.

As a basic substance, FungiKit® EXTEND can be used in many ways. Especially in integrated crop production it enables a reduction of conventional synthetic products or copper treatments Products or copper treatments. The resistance management is proactively supported, especially with short spraying intervals.

Even in organic farming, FungiKit® EXTEND is a natural alternative, without waiting time, risk of resistance and Maximum residue levels. It is applied by means of spray application directly in the fruit zone and leaf area is recommended.

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The correct use of FungiKit EXTEND® for proactive strengthening against fungal diseases.

The application of FungiKit EXTEND® can be customised according to the needs of the plants.

Im universellen Einsatz

200-400 g/ha (100g/hl)

Speziell im Weinbau

High-risk conditions for the development of fungal diseases or curative application:              500-600 g/ha

100 g FungiKit® EXTEND / 100 l water

1-3, maximum 8 applications

Application directly into the Grape zone / on the leaf surface

Apply in 200-600 l Water per ha

Stirring in water with pH < 4 to improve dilution is adaptively recommended


Our Recommendation for early growth stages.

Potato cultivation:


Authorized as Basic Substance according to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009.

Composition:     85% fungal chitosan (Aspergillus niger) 

Formulierung:                Benetzbares Pulver (WP)

Packaging size

In a bag: 1 kg

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We will be happy to advise you!

Our products are available from specialist retailers in Austria. During our product consultation, we will be happy to answer your individual questions and applications and provide you with the best possible advice - arrange your consultation now!

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