First sprayable pheromone against Western Corn Rootworm Lithos Crop Protect presented the first sprayable pheromone against the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica v.v.) at the German Plant Protection Conference 2023. More than 40% of European maize acreage ... Forschung Mais Westlicher Maiswurzelbohrer Oct 5, 2023
Mating Disruption: How does it work? Love is in the air – and still no female to be found. The search for a partner in the world of insects is based on communication by pheromones , which are scents secreted by females ready to mate that... Forschung Mais Westlicher Maiswurzelbohrer Apr 20, 2023
Western corn rootworm – the maize farmer’s nightmare In America it is known as the “billion dollar bug”. It appears the western corn rootworm is doing its best to live up to that reputation in Europe as well. Imported from the USA in the early 1990s, th... Forschung Mais Westlicher Maiswurzelbohrer Apr 19, 2023