Natural protection against sunburn and heat stress in viticulture and orchards

with Lithoplant®
In recent years, periods of heat and high temperatures have increased in agriculture, especially in fruit growing and viticulture. As a fruit grower and winegrower, you know how important effective protection against sunburn and heat stress is for your plants. In this article, you will find out how effective Lithoplant® is as protection - and it's all natural.

Heat stress and sunburn in viticulture and orchards

The consequences of climate change for viticulture and orchards are serious: heat stress and sunburn damage the plants, impair growth and reduce the quality of the harvest. It is becoming increasingly challenging for winegrowers and fruit growers to protect their crops from these extreme weather conditions. Is there a natural plant protection that not only protects, but also improves the quality of the harvest?

Lithoplant® is a natural, mineral-based plant aid​. It reduces the negative effects of climate change and protects against heat stress and sunburn in viticulture and fruit growing.

Natural protection of plants with zeolite in agriculture

Acidity and sugar in the grapes are crucial for high wine quality. These important parameters can be quickly disturbed by external influences. Heat stress and sunburn on the grapes lead to grapes ripening too early and not at optimum quality. Grapes need sufficient time to develop a rich aroma. This is not possible if they ripen earlier. This is often a reason for wine defects.

High temperatures during the flowering period damage the blossom. Fewer grapes are the result. Exact trials in 2023 prove that Lithoplant® is an effective protection against sunburn on grapevines. Sunburn infestation was significantly reduced, as was the surface temperature of the leaves.

The product Lithoplant® consists of the multifaceted natural mineral clinoptiolite zeolite and is already being used successfully in numerous areas. The ultra-fine grinding enables the best sprayability. Thanks to the fine coating on the grapes, Lithoplant® acts as a physical barrier by reflecting solar radiation for optimum protection against sunburn. This protects your vines from loss of yield and quality and ensures pure wines without wine defects.

Would you like to receive trial results in viticulture? Click here to register and we will send them to you!

Dies gilt auch für den Obstanbau. Durch eine nachgewiesen höhere Photosyntheseleistung kann die Pflanze mehr Zucker und Energie produzieren. Insgesamt konnte ein Versuch der Universität Gent signifikante Vorteile für die Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber abiotischer Faktoren wie Hitze und Trockenheit im Apfelanbau festgestellt werden.

Would you like to receive trial results in orchards? Click here to register and we will send them to you!

Natural protection - face the summer with confidence thanks to Lithoplant® (zeolite clinoptiolite)

As a winegrower and fruit grower, summer is your ally. It brings your fruit to ripeness and gives you high-quality products. 

Enjoy the idea for a moment that you can look forward to summer with peace of mind.

With the decisive advantages of Lithoplant®:

1. protection from sunburn and heat stress

Lithoplant® forms a mineral-physical barrier that protects the plants from excessive sunlight and reduces the temperature on leaves and fruit.

2. increase the body's defenses against abiotic stress factors

It strengthens the plants' natural resistance to extreme temperatures and drought. Lithoplant® supports the growth and health of plants.

3. positive effect on photosynthetic activity

Lowering the surface temperature of leaves promotes the photosynthesis process.

4. support for plant growth and vitality

Lithoplant® promotes healthy plant growth, which leads to higher yields. At the same time, it forms a water and nutrient buffer that improves the health and vitality of the plants.

5. no negative impact on nature

As a natural product, Lithoplant® is environmentally friendly and safe for use in agriculture. It consists of 100% natural clinoptilolite zeolite, a material of mineral origin.

As a purely natural product, Lithoplant® is of course also approved for organic farming.

“Lithoplant® setze ich auf meinem Weingut schon langjährig mit Erfolg ein, es aktiviert und fördert die Abwehrkräfte der Weinreben, reduziert Trockenstress und schützt vor Sonnenbrand.”
Birgit Wiederstein • Organic winemaker Carnuntum

How does Lithoplant® work against heat stress in plants and as UV protection in viticulture?

The protective effect of zeolite in agriculture is based on the physical properties of the natural rock.

Reflection and light scattering

When zeolite particles are applied to plant surfaces, they can effectively reflect and scatter incident sunlight due to their structure and surface texture. This reflection and scattering reduces the energy absorbed by the plant surface. This protects the plant from overheating.

Physical barrier

The application of zeolite creates a fine, protective layer on the plant surface. This layer serves as a physical barrier that not only reflects and scatters light and heat, but also keeps the plant's gas exchange and transpiration at a healthy level. 

Application recommendations

Viticulture (application in the grape zone):

Protection from sunburn

  • Start: From BBCH 77 (start of bunch closure)
  • Dosage: 4 kg/ha in 100-200 l water, 2-4% concentration
  • Frequency: 2-3 applications, 14-21 day interval

Protection from abiotic stress factors

  • Start: From BBCH 11 (start of leaf development)
  • Dosage: 2 kg/ha
  • Frequency: Every 7-14 days, combined with other treatments

Orchards (pome fruit):

Protection from sunburn

  • Start: From BBCH 77 (start of fruit development)
  • Dosage: 4 kg/ha in 100-200 l water, 2-4% concentration
  • Frequency: 2-3 applications, every 2-3 weeks

Protection from abiotic stress factors

  • Start: From BBCH 67 (emerging flower)
  • Dosage: 2 kg/ha
  • Frequency: Every 7-14 days, combined with other treatments

Environmentally friendly protection is possible and effective

For optimum results, we recommend using Lithoplant® regularly in vineyards and orchards. Starting from the specific development phases according to the BBCH scale to effectively protect against sunburn and heat stress. 

Lithos Crop Protect stands for sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions. With deeply rooted values and innovative products, Lithos is your ideal partner to jointly promote vital plants and secure rich harvests - for today and the future.

Frequently asked questions about Lithoplant®

Lithoplant® supports photosynthetic activity by reflecting solar radiation through its mineral-physical barrier and lowering leaf and fruit temperatures. This allows the stomata to remain open for longer, maintaining the photosynthesis process for longer even under extreme conditions.

Clinoptilolite zeolite offers the advantage that, due to its unique microporous structure, it not only effectively protects against sunburn by reflecting and scattering light, but also supports plant physiology by improving the water balance and providing essential minerals.

How do I integrate Lithoplant® into existing spraying programs for vineyards and orchards, and what dosages do you recommend for optimum results?

Lithoplant® can be easily integrated into existing spraying programs, starting with application from BBCH 77 for viticulture and from BBCH 67 for fruit growing. For protection against sunburn, we recommend 2-4 kg per hectare in 100-200 liters of water for 2-3 applications at intervals of 2-3 weeks. In the case of protection against abiotic stress factors, we recommend 2 kg per hectare every 7-14 days.

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With Lithoplant® you can protect your vines from yield losses and loss of quality due to heat stress and sunburn and thus ensure pure wines without wine defects. 

Would you like more information about the product?
Find out more now!

Note: Lithoplant® is individually authorized as a plant aid according to §9 DMG 2021.

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